Locked Keys In Car in Fort Lauderdale

It happens to everyone at some point, locking their keys in the car. This is especially frustrating because it can be difficult to open the door without a spare.

Our locksmith technicians have the tools, experience and equipment to open your vehicle fast without causing any damage. We can also rekey your locks so that one key will work in all of the doors.

Lost Keys

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, 147,434 cars were stolen with the keys in them between 2013 & 2015. The most common time to leave a key in a car is while stopping for gas or a coffee. A thief can easily jump inside if the car is unlocked or left running.

If you’ve lost your car keys, try to recall the last place you had them and check your normal places for them (pockets in the jacket or pants, the bag you carried with you that day or the hook on the entry table). It might take a little while to form the habit but it only takes about 66 days to make something a habit.

An automotive locksmith will be able to help you make a new car key but they need to know the year, make & model of your car and if it has a locked keys in car in Fort Lauderdale. If the key has a chip in it, it needs to be coded and programmed to work with your car.

Locked Out

It happens every day – people lock themselves out of their vehicles. It can happen in the blink of an eye when you’re loading groceries or packages in your trunk, when you are pumping gas at a station, or any number of other scenarios.

This can be a terrible situation to find yourself in. You’ll want to call a locksmith immediately. A professional can unlock your car or truck without any damage to your vehicle. They will arrive quickly and get you back on your way.

You can also avoid this problem by getting a spare key made so that you will always have one in case you do lose yours. A professional will be able to install the new spare key for you in a short amount of time so that you don’t have to worry about getting locked out of your vehicle. Whether it’s an automobile, commercial property or residential property, a professional can assist you with all your lock needs.

Broken Keys

If you lose your car key or it gets broken inside the lock of your car, it’s essential to have a professional locksmith nearby. The best locksmiths will have the required bond and license to do the job, so you can trust them to complete a lock solution without any damage or theft of your belongings.

Locksmiths in Fort Lauderdale can help you with a variety of lock solutions. They can replace your car key, rekey locks, make you a spare car key, and even open a locked trunk with no damage. They also offer commercial services to secure offices, specific areas, desks, cabinets and furniture.

It can be quite scary to get locked out of your car at an unfamiliar place in the middle of the night. It’s even worse if you have to smash a window to open the door. Fortunately, there are many locksmiths in the area who are available to provide emergency lockout assistance.

Spare Keys

Many people have the misfortune to lose or forget their car keys at one point in time. It is a very common occurrence, especially when you are shopping or loading groceries into the trunk or even while pumping gas.

Having an extra key is always a good idea for those unfortunate moments. It can save you from having to call a locksmith or tow company which is often costly. It also gives you the peace of mind knowing that someone else has your spare key and can bring it to you.

Having an extra key will also make the process of having a new key created much easier and quicker. If you have a fob key (remote car key), high security key or a chip transponder, these will need to be coded and programmed which can take some time. An automotive locksmith can usually do this on-site, but a dealer would need to send your car to their service center.